Wednesday, November 12, 2008


im back single world. funny how we spend time pushing would be opportunities for love only to be pushed a way by the one we honor with commitment. well actually it isn't that it? it is easy to belive in somthing like love and fate when you look into someones eyes for a long time. so from now on i will try not to "love" any woman that i get in a relationship with unless they stick around for ten years first. ha yea thats the plan. mean while i am graduating

this is why i haven't bloged in such a long time. i have had somuch to do. in the time between my last entry and today...i have aquired a studio to work out of sold about a thousand dollers worth of art...the list goes on. adn now i feel that it is time do reach for those things called goals that i plased up on the fince as i crossed to view greener pastures. ttyl

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