I understand that it is important to educate children about drugs. Also, that it is important to assist adults in breaking their habits.Regardless, anti-drug commercials should be banned because they are ineffective, absurd, and a waste of money.
It would be hard to count many times that have viewed a "truth" ad without laughing.
not because of the large pile of body bags, or the people dropping dead in the streets, but because the year is 2008, and any one old enough to understand the commercial, also understands the danger of smoking. i doubt that the pot head on his couch contemplates quiting when he is watching a boy being walled up inside of a weed cocoon! My point is that these ads do not work.a commercial is not going to fix the drug problems of America. There will never be a drug free America.
these ads are absurd because they exaggerate the effects of the drugs. for example, the "this is your brain on drugs" campain...your brain does not look like scrambled eggs when you take drugs...well, with the exception of ecstasy. these ads are absurd because they attack the wrong drugs. what about crack, cocaine, acid,and pill poppers? are we to forget about them? can their souls not be saved my commercials as well? no. why? because these are curious addictions that need serious physical and mental help. the commercials that are on TV now focus on drugs like alcohol, marijuana, and nicotine. all three, i am sure, have there down falls.lol. but what's most important are the crack heads! they are the danger to society, not the pot head on his couch.
this is a waste of our money. tax payers pay money to here things about drugs that they already know. Wouldn't this money be more useful if it purchased more rehabilitation centers, as well as funding more studies of drugs and there effect on America and the world? maybe I'm just bitching.